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5 top books for a strong financial knowledge and mindset

shelf with dozens and dozens of books

Many successful people have not become successful overnight but have invested heavily in themselves and in their knowledge. If you look at interviews with successful people, almost all of them mention that investment and a good understanding of your finances cannot start early enough. Education and financial knowledge can help you take control of your financial future and make it successful. There are a lot of finance books on the market and it is easy to lose track of which ones you should read. In this article we present you the top 5 books that can expand your knowledge and strengthen your mindset regarding finances.

1 Rich Dad – Poor Dad by Robert T Kiysoki

This is definitely one of those books you should read once in your life. “Rich Dad – Poor Dad: What the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not” is a book that is suitable for both beginners and experienced financial enthusiasts. Robert T. Kiyoski imparts many valuable tips and above all promotes the right mindset about money. At the end of each chapter, there are exercises that give the reader ideas and help to anchor the content.

For more information about the book and purchasing options, click here: 

2 Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This financial book already dates back to 1937 and is truly a timeless classic. Napoleon Hill’s book has remained modern. Napoleon Hill researched and interviewed the lives of 500 millionaires and summarised his findings in this book. A true financial treasure, which is still read with pleasure by many today.

For more information about the book and purchasing options, click here: 

3 The intelligent investor by Benjamin Graham

In his book, Benjamin Graham describes how to make rational decisions as an investor and not let your finances suffer from emotional actions. He describes the actions in the market and presents various investment theories. This book offers a basic foundation of knowledge and gives you a good start as an investor if you’re interested in investment.

For more information about the book and purchasing options, click here: 

4 Why didn’t they teach me this in school? by Cary Siegel

This book is aimed for students and graduates of any age and aims to educate about lifelong financial security. The well-structured chapters allow the book to be read chapter by chapter and referred to again depending on interest. This book opens up new ideas for great saving habits.

For more information about the book and purchasing options, click here: 

5 What you should have learned about money, but never did by Sophia Bera

This book was written by a Certified Financial Planner and is voted as one of the Investopedia 100 Top Financial Advisors. Sophia Bera’s book is an introduction to the basics of personal finance. Here you will learn how to set financial goals, pay off debt, build emergency funds and provide for retirement. The writing style is very entertaining and especially appealing to young adults.

For more information about the book and purchasing options, click here: 

Now it’s your turn! Has one or more of the books caught your interest? Then we hope you enjoy reading and expanding your financial knowledge.


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