Finance in English Trends

Saving tips for students

students talking each other in a class

Many people say that studying is the best time of your life. You get to know new people, visit lots of events and there is always something going on. Many students wake up to the harsh reality of the small amount of study support at the latest when they move into their first rental apartment of their own. Some young students receive financial support from their parents at least at the beginning of their studies, and some look for work in addition to their studies. 

Taking care of your own finance can be stressful, but with a few simple tips you can save a lot of money as a student and you can enjoy your student experience to the fullest.

What I can actually do to save money?

So what can you actually do to save money? Here are multiple different options that you can do to save money. You can try to follow them all, but it is easier to start with a few simple ones. Just pick your own favorites!

Tips to save money:

  • Find your student housing early
  • Live with roommates
  • Buy furniture and dishes secondhand
  • Instead of buying something new, borrow from your friends
  • Compare prices
  • Getting student card you get multiple discounts
  • Avoid impulse purchases
  • Cook large portions of food
  • Make budget and follow it
  • Workout outside
  • Take lunch with you instead of buying
  • Don’t buy anything with credit card 
  • Use a bike instead of a bus
  • Get a job.

Here are some simple tips you can use to save money. If you feel like you don’t have money to survive your day to day life, remember that it is always ok to ask help from family or friends. Believe me, we have all been there. 

Feel free to share these tips with your student friends and enjoy the best time of your life!

Lisa Marie Rusanen

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